


Red five diamonds in my bag

If you wanna see it, dance to a beat like that

My mama saw it and ‘Oh my god dang’

Ok I’ll show you what’s in my bag

Red five diamonds in my bag

If you wanna see it, dance to a beat like that

My mama saw it and ‘Oh my god dang’

Ok I’ll show you what’s in my bag

Uh oh I know you like it

My voice는 말해 해 God dang 我的嗓音就不必多說了吧 天吶

My voice嫩 媽雷 黑 God dang

Uh oh I just like it

태생부터 많은 Money 관심 없지 從出生以來就對財富提不起興趣

Tae saen不偷 曼亨 Money 關心 喔機

싸가지 없는 무대의 못된 범인의 눈빛 沒有謙讓可言的舞台上 投來反派罪犯的目光

撒嘎機 喔嫩 木dae耶 摸doen 崩因耶 nun逼

Fantasy란 말은 나를 빼고 금지 Fantasy這個詞只能用來形容我 其他人都禁止

Fantasy郎 媽冷 那了 北溝 根基

글러 먹은 너의 모두 나를 위한  你敗下陣來的感覺 為我的成功鋪路

鴿樓 摸跟 neo耶 摸督 那了 wi憨

독한 Vibe sugar high 맛 봐라 모두 Die 心狠手辣的氛圍 所有品嚐這份高甜度味道的人都得死

都堪 Vibe sugar high 嗎 炯 bwa拉 摸督 Die

Rum-rum-rum Rumble 다 Crumble 在低沉作響中 全都要破裂

Rum-rum-rum Rumble 搭 Crumble

이 Voice는 Drum에도 No lose 這份嗓音對於鼓點來說 可不是敗筆

一 Voice嫩 Drum欸都 No lose

No no no lovely I’m Bumblebee

그냥 들어갈 해 One, two 不等說出一 就橫衝直撞闖入

哥娘 的樓該 bun 安 黑 One,two

I never had 겁 a.k.a “Giant dog” 我從不怯場 別名Giant Dog

I never had 溝 a.k.a “Giant dog”

아차 하고 쓰다듬은 다쳐 이건 어쩜  我就像老虎般 隨意觸碰可能會被我傷到

阿掐 哈溝 色搭登恩 搭邱 一公 喔炯

I value my love 그만 두들겨  我的愛價值不菲 你就別再試探了

I value my love 歌漫 督的gyeo neo

머리 멍청이들과는 노는 물이 전혀 달라 Ye you know 你知道嗎 我和你們這些大腦空白的草包可不是一個檔次的

摸哩 盟芎一的瓜嫩 no嫩 木哩 炯hyeo 帶拉 Ye you know

Red five diamonds in my bag

If you wanna see it, dance to a beat like that

My mama saw it and ‘Oh my god dang’

Ok I’ll show you what’s in my bag

Red five diamonds in my bag

If you wanna see it, dance to a beat like that

My mama saw it and ‘Oh my god dang’

Ok I’ll show you what’s in my bag

가벼운 건 No no 輕浮的事物 no no

嘎byeo溫 公 No no

공포에는 덤덤 直面恐懼也dumb dumb

工波欸嫩 咚咚

나쁜 놈에겐 월월 對著反派角色woof woof

那奔 弄欸gen 窩窩

덤벼봐라 Come come 來挑戰我吧 come come

東byeo bwa拉 Come come

I’m a cool lady 유일무이 캐릭 我是獨一份的酷炫女郎

I’m a cool lady yu一幕一 kae哩

네가 벌벌 떠는 언니들 사이 Boss baby 在戰栗的姐姐們之中我是霸道忙內

尼嘎 啵啵 都嫩 on尼的 撒一 Boss baby

넘치는 Jealousy 滿腔的忌妒

弄七嫩 Jealousy

But that’s too early

피부부터 Young한 것은 언급하기도 귀찮네 連肌膚年輕絲滑這一點也不願再提起了

批部部偷 Young憨 溝森 on哥趴gi都 gwi腔內

존재가 Princess 어쩌면 범죄 存在即是公主般 說什麼都是罪惡啊

炯接嘎 Princess 喔九myeon 崩最

넘치는 Bullet 맘을 관통해 無數的子彈射穿我的心房

弄七嫩 Bullet 忙額 觀通黑

향기는 Like rose and beautiful red 香氛如同玫瑰與它明豔的紅

Hyang gi嫩 Like rose and beautiful red

화가 가시의 그대 Blood ye 因為憤怒而豎起的尖刺 會讓你流血

花嘎 嘎西耶 歌dae Blood ye

아직 읽지 않은 연락들은 앞으로도 읽지 않을 거니 現在未讀的留言以後也不會去看的

阿基 一機 曼亨 勇拉的冷 阿ㄆ樓都 一機 安喝 溝泥

헛된 희망들은 저기 버려두길 把那些不切實際的幻像都拋下吧

齁doen hui忙得冷 九gi 波流督gil

You know say no

Red five diamonds in my bag

If you wanna see it, dance to a beat like that

My mama saw it and ‘Oh my god dang’

Ok I’ll show you what’s in my bag

Red five diamonds in my bag

If you wanna see it, dance to a beat like that

My mama saw it and ‘Oh my god dang’

Ok I’ll show you what’s in my bag



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