이영지(Lee Young Ji) - Small girl


If I got a two small cheeks 如果我有兩塊小小臉頰

If I got a two small cheeks

And a bright pink lips 和一副亮粉色嘴唇

and a bright pink lips

Baby would you've wanted to kiss me 寶貝 你會想要來吻一吻我嗎

Baby would you‘ve wanted to kiss me?

Maybe a thin a*s waist 也許還有纖細的腰臀

Maybe a thin a*s waist

With a brown long hair 一襲棕色的長髮

With a Brown long hair

Baby would you've wanted to hold me 寶貝 你會想要來抱我嗎

Baby Would you've wanted to hold me?

No you never  你不會的

No you never

No I'm never gonna get them all  我永遠不會拿下他們

No I’m never gonna get them all


That's what makes me feel lonely 這就是讓我感到孤獨的東西

That’s what makes me feel lonely

Oh it's never Oh 永無可能

Oh it’s never

It can never ever happen to me 這永遠都不可能發生在我身上

It can never ever happen to me

Cause I'm that girl 因為我是那個女孩

Cause I'm that girl

Tall girle 高個女孩

Tall girle

Boy I got a small girl fantasy 男孩 我有屬於小女孩的幻想

Boy I got a small girl fantasy

Baby would you still love me 寶貝 你會依然愛我嗎

Baby would you still love me

Though I got a big laugh big voice 儘管我有著大大的笑容 大嗓門

Though I got a big laugh big voice

& Big personality 還有大大的性格

& Big personality

Would you guarantee 你也會做出保證嗎

Would you guarantee

Know you got a small girl fantasy 知道你有屬於小女孩的幻想

Know you got a small girl fantasy

Baby would you still love me 寶貝 你會依然愛我嗎

Baby would you still love me

Though I got a big laugh big voice 儘管我有著大大的笑容 大嗓門

Though I got a big laugh big voice

& Big personality 還有大大的性格

& Big personality

Would you guarantee 你會做出保證嗎

Would you guarantee

If I got a 如果我有

If I got a

If I got a 如果我有

If I got a

Would you guarantee 你會做出保證嗎

Would you guarantee

If I got a 如果我有

If I got a

If I got a 如果我有

If I got a

Would you guarantee 你會做出保證嗎

Would you guarantee

If I got a 如果我有

If I got a

If I got a 如果我有

If I got a

If I cared about all those thing that you care 如果我在乎你在乎的所有那些事情

If I cared about all those thing that you care

Then I'm not yours 那我不會屬於你

Then I'm not yours

Yes you're wasting all your time 是的 你整個在浪費你的時間

Yes you're wasting all your time

For some stupid things 只是為一些愚蠢的事

For some stupid things

Baby I'm already yours 寶貝 我已經屬於你

Baby I'm already yours

You keep asking me 你總是不停問我

You keep asking me

Do I really suit you 我是否真的適合你

Do I really suit you

Do I really look good 我是否真的看起來不錯

Do I really look good

Girl I don't understand you 女孩 我真的搞不懂你

Girl I don't understand you

All you have to do is 你要做的就只有

All you have to do is

Smiling at me 對我微笑

Smiling at me

Like there's no one to interrupt us 像沒有人會來打擾我們一樣

Like there's no one to interrupt us

'Cause that's all I need from you 因為這就是所對你的所需

'Cause that's all I need from you

Make that fingers V 用手指比V吧

Make that fingers V

수줍어 하지 말고 不要感到害羞

蘇ju波 哈基 賣溝

가까이 붙어 再貼近一些

嘎嘎一 不偷

여기있어 我就在這


니가 원하던지간에 不管你想要什麼

尼嘎 翁哈東基乾欸

항상 똑같아 我總是會一樣

夯桑 都嘎他

다른 조건은 애초에 없었어 一開始就沒有其他條件

搭冷 九宮恩 欸邱欸 喔搜搜

Big eyes big laugh 無論大眼睛 大笑容

Big eyes big laugh

Big voice or big personality 大嗓門還是大咧嘴的性格

Big voice or big personality

Girl I don't got no fantasy 女孩 我並沒有什麼幻想

Girl I don't got no fantasy

There's no more other fantasy 沒有其它任何幻想

There's no more other fantasy

If I got a two small cheeks 如果我有兩塊小小臉頰

If I got a two small cheeks

And a bright pink lips 和一副亮粉色嘴唇

And a bright pink lips

Baby would you've wanted to kiss me 寶貝 你會想要來吻我一吻嗎

Baby would you've wanted to kiss me

Maybe a thin a*s waist 也許還有纖細的腰臀

Maybe a thin a*s waist

With a brown long hair 一襲棕色的長髮

With a brown long hair

Baby would you've wanted to hold me 寶貝 你會想要來抱我嗎

Baby Would you've wanted to hold me?

No you never  你不會的

No you never

No I'm never gonna get them all  我永遠不會拿下他們

No I’m never gonna get them all


That's what makes me feel lonely 這就是讓我感到孤獨的東西

That’s what makes me feel lonely

Oh it's never Oh 永無可能

Oh it’s never

It can never ever happen to me 這永遠都不可能發生在我身上

It can never ever happen to me

Cause I'm that girl 因為我是那個女孩

Cause I'm that girl

Tall girle 高個女孩

Tall girle

Boy I got a small girl fantasy 男孩 我有屬於小女孩的幻想

Boy I got a small girl fantasy

Baby would you still love me 寶貝 你會依然愛我嗎

Baby would you still love me

Though I got a big laugh big voice 儘管我有著大大的笑容 大嗓門

Though I got a big laugh big voice

& Big personality 還有大大的性格

& Big personality

Would you guarantee 你也會做出保證嗎

Would you guarantee

Know you got a small girl fantasy 知道你有屬於小女孩的幻想

Know you got a small girl fantasy

Baby would you still love me 寶貝 你會依然愛我嗎

Baby would you still love me

Though I got a big laugh big voice 儘管我有著大大的笑容 大嗓門

Though I got a big laugh big voice

& Big personality 還有大大的性格

& Big personality

Would you guarantee 你會做出保證嗎

Would you guarantee

If I got a 如果我有

If I got a

If I got a 如果我有

If I got a

Would you guarantee 你會做出保證嗎

Would you guarantee

If I got a 如果我有

If I got a

If I got a 如果我有

If I got a

Would you guarantee 你會做出保證嗎

Would you guarantee

If I got a 如果我有

If I got a

If I got a 如果我有

If I got a


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