


Kick in the door 大小姐駕到

Kick in the door

Waving the coco 招搖進門

Waving the coco

팝콘이나 챙겨 껴들 생각 말고 準備好爆米花 別想著插隊

趴空伊娜 千gyeo gyeo的 saen嘎 賣溝

I talk that talk 暢所欲言

I talk that talk

Runways I walk walk T台任我走

Runways I walk walk

감고 pop pop 안 봐도  閉上眼 Pop, pop 沒看也假裝在看

Nun 剛溝 pop pop 安 bwa都

One by one then 一個接一個

One by one then

Two by two 不斷朝我來

Two by two

손끝 하나에 무너지는  我彈指一揮間 一切都在崩塌破滅

松哥 咖那欸 木neo基嫩 jun

가짜 치곤 화려했지 在虛假作秀中算是華麗

嘎家 漆工 花劉嘿機

Makes no sense 別白費力氣

Makes no sense

You couldn't get a dollar outta me 你從我這得不到一分錢

You couldn't get a dollar outta me

오늘 밤이야 독을 품은   就是今夜 我是有毒的花

喔呢 幫一呀 都歌 pum恩

혼을 빼앗은 다음 奪走你靈魂 接著

轟額 北阿森 搭恩

Look what you made us do 瞧好了這是你逼我們的

Look what you made us do

천천히 잠재울 FIRE 慢慢將你催眠的火焰

芎芎hi neol 江街屋 FIRE

잔인할 만큼 아름다워 美麗得如此殘忍

將因嗨 曼肯 阿冷搭窩

I bring the pain like 我會讓你痛不欲生

I bring the pain like

This that pink venom 那滋味就如粉色毒液

This that pink venom

This that pink venom 那滋味就如粉色毒液

This that pink venom

This that pink venom 那滋味就如粉色毒液

This that pink venom

Get 'em get 'em get 'em 儘管來試試吧

Get 'em, get 'em, get 'em

Straight to ya dome like whoa whoa whoa 直擊你的心臟

Straight to ya dome like whoa whoa whoa

Straight to ya dome like ah ah ah 直擊你的心臟

Straight to ya dome like ah ah ah

Taste that pink venom 快來品嚐那粉色毒液

Taste that pink venom

Taste that pink venom 快來品嚐那粉色毒液

Taste that pink venom

Taste that pink venom 快來品嚐那粉色毒液

Taste that pink venom

Get 'em get 'em get 'em 儘管來試試吧

Get 'em, get 'em, get 'em

Straight to ya dome like whoa whoa whoa 直擊你的心臟

Straight to ya dome like whoa whoa whoa

Straight to ya dome like ah ah ah 直擊你的心臟

Straight to ya dome like ah ah ah

Black paint and ammo 黑色油漆與彈藥

Black paint and ammo

Got bodies like Rambo 屍橫遍野

got bodies like Rambo

Rest in peace 最終都恢復平靜

Rest in peace

Please light up a candle 請點燃一支蠟燭

please light up a candle

This da life of a vandal 破壞者的一生 就是如此

This da life of a vandal

Masked up and I'm still in Celine 全副武裝 我仍身著時裝

Masked up and I'm still in Celine

Designer crimes or it wouldn't be me 都得歸功於設計師 否則才無法造就我

Designer crimes or it wouldn't be me

Diamonds shinin' drive in silence 閃爍鑽石般的豪車馳騁在寂靜中

Diamonds shinin' drive in silence

I don't mind it I'm ridin' 全速前進 我心無旁騖

I don't mind it I'm ridin'

Flyin' private side by side with da pilot 與飛行員並肩飛行

Flyin' private side by side with da pilot

Up in the sky 翱翔在天際

Up in the sky

And I'm wildin' stylin' on them 我特立獨行 乖張野蠻

And I'm wildin' stylin' on them

And there's no chance 誰都無法阻擋

And there's no chance

Cuz we got bodies on bodies like this a slow dance 畢竟有無數人隨我們而起舞

Cuz we got bodies on bodies like this a slow dance

오늘 밤이야 독을 품은   就是今夜 我是有毒的花

喔呢 幫一呀 都歌 pum恩

혼을 빼앗은 다음 奪走你靈魂 接著

轟額 北阿森 搭恩

Look what you made us do 瞧好了這是你逼我們的

Look what you made us do

천천히 잠재울 FIRE 慢慢將你催眠的火焰

芎芎hi neol 江街屋 FIRE

잔인할 만큼 아름다워 美麗得如此殘忍

將因嗨 曼肯 阿冷搭窩

I bring the pain like 我會讓你痛不欲生

I bring the pain like

This that pink venom 那滋味就如粉色毒液

This that pink venom

This that pink venom 那滋味就如粉色毒液

This that pink venom

This that pink venom 那滋味就如粉色毒液

This that pink venom

Get 'em get 'em get 'em 儘管來試試吧

Get 'em, get 'em, get 'em

Straight to ya dome like whoa whoa whoa 直擊你的心臟

Straight to ya dome like whoa whoa whoa

Straight to ya dome like ah ah ah 直擊你的心臟

Straight to ya dome like ah ah ah

Taste that pink venom 快來品嚐那粉色毒液

Taste that pink venom

Taste that pink venom 快來品嚐那粉色毒液

Taste that pink venom

Taste that pink venom 快來品嚐那粉色毒液

Taste that pink venom

Get 'em get 'em get 'em 儘管來試試吧

Get 'em, get 'em, get 'em

Straight to ya dome like whoa whoa whoa 直擊你的心臟

Straight to ya dome like whoa whoa whoa

Straight to ya dome like ah ah ah 直擊你的心臟

Straight to ya dome like ah ah ah

원한다면 provoke us 若是想要就挑釁我們吧

翁憨搭myeon provoke us

감당 못해 and you know this 承受不了的 你也知道

剛單 摸tae and you know this

이미 퍼져버린 shot that potion 已經蔓延開來的 攻擊那個位置

一咪 波九波林 shot that potion

눈앞은 핑크빛 ocean 你眼前是粉色海洋

尼 nun阿噴 拚科逼 ocean

Come and give me all the smoke

아니면 모 like I'm so rock and roll 非黑即白 就像我不做不休

阿尼myeon 摸 like I'm so rock and roll

Come and give me all the smoke

세워 자 STOP DROP 都排起隊吧 停下 放掉

搭 jul se窩 bwa 家 STOP DROP

I bring the pain like 我會讓你痛不欲生

I bring the pain like

La tatata La tatata

La tatata La tatata

La tatata La tatata

Straight to ya 直擊你的心臟

Straight to ya

Straight to ya 直擊你的心臟

Straight to ya

Straight to ya dome like 直擊你的心臟

Straight to ya dome like

La tatata La tatata

La tatata La tatata

La tatata La tatata

I bring the pain like 我會讓你痛不欲生

I bring the pain like



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